Welcome to
St. Catherine of Alexandria
A Northwest Milwaukee Catholic Parish
Join us for Mass
St. Catherine of Alexandria
8661 North 76th Place
Milwaukee, WI 53223
Mass Days
First Fridays

Living and Sharing Our Faith in Jesus Christ
St. Catherine of Alexandria, "the historic church on the hill since 1855," joins together as a Catholic community to give praise and thanks to God by living and sharing our faith in Jesus Christ through our worship, formation, and outreach.
With our cluster parishes, we strive to make Christ visible to our wider community.
Latest News from St. Catherine of Alexandria Campus
If you're thinking of visiting our parish, as Jesus said, "Come and see!"
A warm welcome awaits you to our prayerful and involved parish community, always rooted in our celebration for a deeper experience of the closeness to God through the person of Jesus Christ and infused with the power of the Holy Spirit.

All are welcome. Yes, we mean everyone.