Northwest Milwaukee Catholic Parishes
4:00pm at Our Lady of Good Hope & online
8:30am at St. Catherine of Alexandria
10:30am at St. Bernadette & online
Special Masses:
2nd Weekend of each month (except during Lent):
Praise Masses
4th Sunday of each month:
9:00am Mass in Hmong at St. Bernadette
Upcoming Holiday and Holy Day Mass Schedule
Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025:
12:00pm at Our Lady of Good Hope
6:30pm at St. Bernadette
No Masses scheduled
4:00pm at St. Bernadette & online
(No 4:00pm Mass on December 24 or 31)
11:00am at Our Lady of Good Hope
(No 11:00am Mass on November 27, December 25, or January 1)
12:00pm at St. Catherine of Alexandria
(No 12:00pm Mass on November 28 or December 26)
First Friday of each month ONLY
12:00pm at St. Catherine of Alexandria
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Most Saturdays, 3:00-3:30pm, at Our Lady of Good Hope. Check the bulletin or contact any parish office to confirm.
One Vibrant Catholic Community | Three Parishes Together
St. Bernadette
8200 West Denver Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53223
Mass Days
All are Welcome in this Place.
St. Bernadette Parish is a welcoming Catholic faith community, empowered by the Holy Spirit to help bring about the Kingdom of God, through worshiping in sacrament, teaching the Word, and serving as Jesus did.
St. Catherine of Alexandria
8661 North 76th Place
Milwaukee, WI 53223
Mass Days
First Fridays
Living and Sharing Our Faith in Jesus Christ
St. Catherine of Alexandria, "the historic church on the hill since 1855," joins together as a Catholic community to give praise and thanks to God by living and sharing our faith in Jesus Christ through our worship, formation, and outreach.
With our cluster parishes, we strive to make Christ visible to our wider community.
Our Lady of Good Hope
7152 North 41st Street
Milwaukee, WI 53209
Mass Days
Worship Together and Serve the World
Our Lady of Good Hope Parish, in the spirit of its original founders, continues to pride themselves in prayerful liturgies, social justice, education efforts, and care for the needy and elderly.
The parishioners give witness to the Gospel through faithfulness and generosity as they live out the parish mission:
Called by Christ, we worship together and serve the world.
I urge you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree in what you say, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and in the same purpose.
1 Corinthians 1:10b
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God.
Romans 15:7
Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel with my eye upon you.
See a list of Pastoral Council members. Contact any parish office to get contact information for a Council member.
Strategic Planning
Through our deep and
ongoing collaboration,
we strive to attain our
common goals together.
Online Giving/
Visit each parish's website
for online giving details.
You can also send your
donation to any parish office.
Calendar of Events
There's always something
to get involved in at Northwest
Milwaukee Catholic Parishes.
Northwest Milwaukee Catholic Parishes Team Members
Fr. Greg Greiten
Theresa Moniot Olivares
Margaret Thorn
Sue Riedijk
Jim Neuner
Diane Govern
Mark Mrozek
Simon Biagui
Phillip Aller
Northwest Milwaukee Catholic Pastoral Council
See a list of Pastoral Council members, who help lead the vision of our community.