Lord and Source of All Gifts
Lord and Source of All Gifts, we, your people, rejoice in the fullness of Your generosity. We thank You for those whose lives are visible signs of Your love and blessing to others. Give us the courage to do the same.
Make us good stewards of all we have received, generously sharing our time, talents, and treasure to build Your kingdom of love and justice.
We ask this through Jesus Christ in whom we begin and end all things.
From “Pray Always and Never Lose Heart"

Give Talent
Volunteering is a profound expression of faith and community, allowing individuals to share their unique talents and gifts for the betterment of others.
Through volunteering, we not only enrich the lives of those we serve, but also contribute to the vibrant tapestry of our parish family, embodying the spirit of compassion and solidarity that defines our faith.
Looking for instrumentalists, ToneChimes players, and vocalists
Contact Mark Mrozek
414-358-4600, ext. 148
Music Ministry
Looking for lectors, greeters, and ushers at Mass
Contact Mark Mrozek
414-358-4600, ext. 148
Liturgical Ministry
Support wellness or help by visiting the sick, elderly,
and homebound.
Contact Parish Nurse Linda Radder, AGNP, MSN, BSN, SAC, MFT-IT
414-358-4600, ext.158
Health Ministry
Looking for teachers and chaperones. All must complete Safe Environment program.
Contact Simon Biagui
414-365-2020, ext. 304
Youth Ministry

Give Treasure
Donating is a powerful act of generosity and stewardship, enabling us to support the vital work of our parish and extend assistance to those in need.
By sharing our financial resources, we actively participate in building a community founded on compassion, justice, and the principles of Christ's teachings.
Drop off donations at the parish office of any campus.
Pro bono services that would help our community:
Interior/exterior painting
Computer tech support
Cooking or baking
Gift cards are a helpful way to support our community members. Please share:
Grocery Store Cards
Gift Cards
Financial donations help us with operational expenses, launching new ministries, and more.
See how to donate to each campus below:
St. Bernadette Parish
Download this Electronic Giving Form, print it out, and mail it to us with a voided check.
Set Up Recurring Donations
St. Bernadette Parish
8200 West Denver Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53223
Mail Checks to:
St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish
With WeShare online giving, you can schedule recurring donations with your checking account or credit or debit card. You can also make one-time donations. The site is secure, and you can update your account at any time.
Online Giving with WeShare
Our Lady of Good Hope Parish
Online Giving with WeShare
With WeShare online giving, you can schedule recurring donations with your checking account or credit or debit card. You can also make one-time donations. The site is secure, and you can update your account at any time.
IRA Charitable Distributions
If you are age 70 1/2 or older, you are required to take IRA minimum distributions annually. You can transfer up to $100,000 annually directly from a traditional or Roth IRA to qualified charities without undesirable tax effects. When given to charities, these distributions are tax-free. Talk with your financial adviser for more information.

All registered parishioners receive a monthly letter and donation envelope at St. Bernadette and Our Lady of Good Hope. At St. Catherine of Alexandria, envelopes are mailed out quarterly unless requested otherwise. You have a choice between receiving an envelope for every week of the year or monthly envelopes. You may place your contribution in the mailed envelopes or an envelope of your choice and either place it in the collection basket at Mass or mail it to the parish office.
Envelope Contributions
Double your contributions! Many donors enhance the impact of their gifts through their employer’s matching gifts program; some employers even match gifts made by retirees and spouses. Check into your employer's program today.
Corporate Matching Gift Programs
When parishioners or their families designate their parish as the recipient of memorials at the time of a funeral, the donations received are placed in our Memorial Fund (unless designated for Masses). If you are pre-planning a funeral, you may wish to include us as a beneficiary of memorials.
Memorial Fund

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides." - Matthew 6:33