To know that we are children of God is to live in complete love with deep abiding security and the ability to dream, to sing, to create, to laugh, and to play without worry. As we grow older, we face a new reality—we cannot approach all God’s creation with the same trust and confidence. We learn, through sometimes hurtful and damaging experiences, that some people reject the ability that God gave them to love and respect others. The Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s program to safeguard children helps remind us of these very facts. With the help of this program, the faithful are guided and educated about the responsibility of how to keep God’s children protected and safe.
Did you know? All clergy, employees, and volunteers must meet all of the requirements of safe environment certification. Certification includes participating in training to recognize signs of abuse and neglect, to identify grooming behaviors, to maintain boundaries, and to meet the requirements of mandatory reporting. They must accept the Code of Ethical Standards and the Social Media and Digital Communication Policy, and undergo a criminal background check. Certification is required prior to beginning ministry and subsequently every five years.
Did you know? All bishops, priests, deacons, lay parish/school staff, and volunteers are required to follow the mandatory reporting laws of the State of Wisconsin. In Wisconsin, all clergy and all school employees are considered mandatory reporters and can face legal penalties for failing to report suspected or known child abuse or neglect.All clergy, employees, and volunteers are instructed to contact local law enforcement or Child Protective Services immediately if they are made aware of a child being sexually abused.

For more information: Archdiocese of Milwaukee Safe Environment