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Spring...Trusting your own timing and paying attention to your intuition


In spring, timing is everything. A flock of birds migrating north before the last winter storm may have to put up quite a struggle just to survive. Seedlings coming up before the last frost have to be hardy in order to withstand harsh conditions. Most animals and plants have an internal sense that tells them when it’s safe to venture forth and pursue spring activities. The importance of timing is so clear when we are talking about nature. Yet most of us are so disconnected with or just ignore our own internal senses. We stay in unhealthy jobs, relationships, or living spaces for way too long. We allow fear, the inability to forgive, arrogance, and unmet expectations to delay our growth and movement. In many ways, we put our souls, our spirits, our very lives in hibernation...and spring is not able to arrive. There are times to move forward and there are times to step back and review your situation.

Intuition is the long-lost juice of life. It brings us fluidity and joy, instantaneous answers, and abundant knowledge just for the asking.

  • Identify three times in your life when your intuition or internal senses were directing you to do one thing but for “whatever” reasons you did something else and it was not the best decision.

  • Identify three times in your life when your intuition or internal senses were directing you to do something and you did it, and it was a good decision.

Source Unknown


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